Check this list before applying

Don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions. We want to support you.

  • To start an 应用程序, all you need is your contact information. When you click “SUBMIT,” your 应用程序 will be saved. You will be taken to a new page. You will also receive an email that contains a link to access your 应用程序 whenever you want to work on it.
  • The Admissions staff will be in direct contact with you throughout the 应用程序 process.
  • Your 应用程序 answers are automatically saved when you fill them in. You can start and stop anytime you want.
  • When you have completed your 应用程序, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Submit Application.
  • If you have any questions, please contact 巴克莱的大学

You will need only a character reference.


We prefer that your reference knows you from an academic and a personal/spiritual life setting. Provide, name, email and phone number.

It is best to check with a reference before you submit their name. When choosing  a reference, please do not use family members. When you enter the email address for your reference on our 应用程序, an email will automatically be sent to them requesting information. You can choose “send now” or wait until the 应用程序 is submitted.

The most important factor is that it is someone who knows you well, and it is someone with whom you have regular contact.


If you need financial aid, start with a free 应用程序 for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to determine eligibility. Use the 巴克莱的大学 school code: 001917.

Send us your Transcripts

If you’ve taken college courses before, send us your transcripts! We can create a degree audit for you showing which classes transfer and how many you will complete at 巴克莱的大学. Did you know that students only need 60% of their core credits to come from 巴克莱的大学 in order to earn a degree with us? That means you can transfer in over 90 of your qualifying credits from other institutions. That’s more than half of a degree!

Request that your official transcripts be sent directly to 巴克莱的大学:

Attn: 网上招生
607 N. 金曼
哈维兰,KS 67059

Or sent digitally to  亚伦

I graduated from high school or took college classes a long time ago, do you still need my transcript?

是的, we must have your transcripts from each college where you earned credit or (if you have never attended college) we need your high school transcript. Even if you earned college credit many years ago, the credits may still transfer and that saves you money and time! Transcripts must be official and be sent directly from your school(s).

Can I transfer credits from other schools?

是的. If you’ve taken college courses before, send us your transcripts! We can create a degree audit for you showing which classes transfer and how many you will complete at 巴克莱的大学.

If you have no previous college credit, no problem! We are ready for you to jump into one of our degree programs.

等待。 Decision

We can usually have an acceptance 决定 for you within 48 hours of completing 应用程序 process.

Ready to begin your 应用程序?


You'll hear from us each step of the way

Submit our easy, free

Click on "应用" below to begin.



校园: We'll usually have a 决定 within 48 hours after your interview.

在线: A 决定 will usually be made within 48 hours.