
Over 100 years of preparing students in a Bible-centered environment for effective Christian life, 服务, 和领导能力.


Traced to the Beginning

朋友 Bible College

Barclay College traces its beginnings to 1917 when the 朋友 Haviland Academy founded the Kansas Central Bible Training School in a new building near the academy. The academy had opened in 1892 and was the first secondary school in Kiowa County, Kansas. Born out of a desire for a strong evangelistic emphasis, the college immediately became a center for the training and preparation of pastors and missionaries.

In 1925, a two-year junior college course was added, and the name was changed in 1930 to 朋友 Bible College to more fully reflect the growing mission of the institution.

Evolving to a Four Year Institution

Barclay College Begins

By 1968, supporters felt the purposes of the college would best be served by emphasizing the 4-year institution. They consequently closed the academy and junior college programs and embarked on a vigorous effort to secure necessary faculty and facilities. This effort resulted in widespread support from the community and the college constituency and received general recognition in 1975 with the granting of full accreditation by the American Association of Bible Colleges (now the Association for Biblical Higher Education).

In the Spring of 1990, the college adopted its current name in honor of the first Quaker theologian, 罗伯特·巴克利. For a more detailed description of Barclay’s rich history, contact the college to receive a copy of “Lighthouse on the Prairie”, written by Haviland resident and former president Sheldon Jackson.



In 2018, Barclay College received accreditation by the Higher Learning Commission (hlcommission.org), a regional accreditation agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.

 “Barclay College is honored to take its place among the outstanding college and 大学 throughout our nation. When our students pursue post-graduate education, 其他大学, 大学, 神学院, and schools of theology will recognize the quality of a Barclay education,”医生说。. Royce Frazier, president of Barclay College.

Barclay is recognized by the Kansas Board of Regents and is also accredited by the Association for Biblical Higher Education, the Association of Christian Schools International, and the Kansas State Department of Education.

In 2007 a feasibility study was commissioned by the Board of Trustees to determine if Barclay College would benefit from an online presence. Dr. Royce Frazier was contracted to conduct the study and it was determined that online programs, especially in degrees in the Bible/Ministry field, were under represented in online offerings and Barclay College could offer an attractive option for those seeking education. The online program started in the fall of 2008 with two degree programs approved, Christian Leadership and 心理学.

In 2011, the Board established the Barclay College School of 研究生 Studies, forging new platforms for success and innovative inquiry.

Ross-Ellis中心 for Arts and Ministry was completed in 2018. 这8美元.5 million structure allows Barclay College to offer quality fine art and education programs to the surrounding areas.